PSY505: Advances in Statistical Methods and Research Practices in Psychology

By Dr. Jason Geller in teaching

January 1, 0001

About the course

Psychological methods keep evolving: psychology researchers constantly adopt new statistical methods, computational tools, and research practices. This course introduces the latest advances in research methods in psychological science through a series of lectures, tutorials, and seminars. Lectures are generally given by a guest speaker who introduces methodological and statistical issues relevant to psychology research. Students engage in a group discussion with the speaker before the lecture. Tutorials provide students with the necessary skills to build reproducible and transparent research programs. For instance, students learn how to use R, RMarkdown and Git/GitHub, or how to preregister their studies. Finally, students take part in seminars, in which they discuss timely topics in psychological methods (e.g., reproducibility, transparency, pre-registration).

Posted on:
January 1, 0001
1 minute read, 119 words
Statistics Open Materials
See Also:
Research Methods in Cognitive Science
PSY504: Advanced Statistical Medthods
PSY503: Fundamentals of Statistics in Psychological Science