Open Materials

Research Methods in Cognitive Science

Upper-level course I taught in Fall 2021. This course examined the basics of research as well as the different methods cognitive scientists use to examine the mind/brain. There was a focus on replication and open science and the class culminated in a final PscyhoPy project that had to run online.

PSY504: Advanced Statistical Medthods

Graduate-level course taught in Spring 2023 and Spring 2024. This course introduces graduate students to advanced statistical methods. We discuss: 1.Robust Methods: bootstrapping, permutation tests 2.Missing Data 3.Non-Gaussian statistics: poisson regression, ordinal regression 4.Beyond Null Hypothesis Significance Testing (NHST): Structural equation models, Bayesian hypothesis testing 5.Process models: Mediation, multiple mediation, path analysis 6.Dimension reduction: principal components analysis (PCA), clustering